Blockchain based Communication platform

Blockchain based Communication platform - text messaging

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Blockchain based Message Communication platform

Till now we have seen many useacases on Educational, Banking and Finance, Suply chain etc..Now this usecase is on Messaging apps/Communication Solutions.

We are frequently hearing about the Data leakages and Data sharing policies changing recently thus leaving NO PRIVACY to the users of those communication channels. The latest Whatsapp policy change and the Zoom app data hack happened somewhere in June 2020.

Also the recent Singal app crashing due to increased sudden spike in number of users onboarding the service

With all these happening with the web 2.0 apps or Centralized apps/services, Privacy is no longer a reality and every activity is being accessable by one or the other means of hacking / data stealing

So How about having a Blockchain based communication platform to address these issues ?

With its proven encryption and data security features, This will add the 2 aspects, say Security and Stability (Through Decentralisation) to the message protocols or platforms

Here in the use case, we have WISELY – a blockchain enabled Message communication platfrom on the top of blockchain

A unique marketplace for enterprises and suppliers, Wisely will offer a global edge-to-edge network that delivers private, secure and trusted communication experiences.

The edge-to-edge encryption ensures data security and data privacy for end users and hence No more data hacks and Denial of Service attacks/ Server Outages as a result of Decentralised apps

On the top of all these, The platform ensures compliance with local regulatory practices and data protection laws as well as best-in-class service frameworks.

The Platfrom is built on Microsoft Azure by the Microsoft in collaboration with Tanla Platforms !

The users shall be able to access this via API links as this is provided over cloud. (More like Communicaitons platform as a service!!)

Happy reading …

Microsoft and Cloud communication provider Tanla Platforms on Wednesday announced the launch of Wisely, a Blockchain-enabled communications platform-as-a-service (CPaaS) offering built on Azure Cloud.

A unique marketplace for enterprises and suppliers, Wisely will offer a global edge-to-edge network that delivers private, secure and trusted communication experiences.

Microsoft is the development partner who architected and built the platform for Tanla.

“It is a game changer for enterprises, mobile carriers, OTT players, marketers, and industry regulators,” said Uday Reddy, Chairman and CEO of Tanla Platforms Ltd.

Enterprises can access the network with a single API offering omni-channel capabilities.

The companies said that edge-to-edge encryption ensures data security and data privacy for end users.

The network built on Blockchain provides complete data visibility, enabling a single source of truth for all stakeholders.

“The Wisely platform uses open source technologies that work seamlessly with Azure. With Blockchain, Wisely creates transparency and provides a single source of truth to all stakeholders for every transaction on the platform,” said Anant Maheshwari, President, Microsoft India.

According to Microsoft, the AI/ML-powered insights help enterprises improve quality of service and reduce costs.

“The platform ensures compliance with local regulatory practices and data protection laws as well as best-in-class service frameworks,” it said.

Wisely has been granted three patents in cryptography and blockchain processes by the US Patents and Trademark Office.

“Data security and privacy is an important component, and Wisely leverages the flexibility and reliability of Microsoft Azure to provide another great business communication option for our enterprise customers,” said Omar Abbosh, Corporate Vice President, Cross-Industry Solutions, Microsoft.

Source of this Post – Ledger Insights

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