Blockchain Innovations in Communication

Blockchain Innovations in Communication - blockchain in communication

Quick Intake

Hello all, In this post, let’s see interesting info on a few of the popular blockchain projects in the field of communication. It’s quite interesting to know about their operations and unique factors through which they offer security and Privacy.

BeeChat – A completely decentralized chat app, similar to WhatsApp. But it is quite different and secure as it used Distributed Decentralised ledger concept rather than a central database 

BOB –  A blockchain smartphone device that lets users call and text without Network and data plans

Indorse – The Ethereum-based platform calls itself a “Resume verification tool” for firms that wish to hire coders and programmers. Applicants will be solicited to anonymously upload their resumes on Indorse, where its pool of experts will verify and test the skills they claim to have.

Happy Reading…

Aside from its efficiency, blockchain’s success in the financial sector has been driven by another prized luxury: security.

Its peer-to-peer verification system — which distributes the control once held by a single server to process massive amounts of data – has become a compelling solution for financial institutions. The online ledger’s immutability provides the assurance it will be safe from malicious outside forces.

But blockchain is also making waves in other industries. In the communication space, blockchain has already shown promise that it could help online users to better protect their data online. Startups in Asia-Pacific are developing blockchain-based platforms and blockchain-enabled devices to introduce more advanced versions of communication platforms that consumers are already familiar with.

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