Huawei’s Blockchain Platform to Manage People’s Data

Huawei's Blockchain Platform to Manage People’s Data - China May Be Anti Bitcoin But Here is a Look at Its Affinity with Blockchain Technology

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Huawei Builds Blockchain Platform to Help Beijing Government Manage People’s Data!

This is a classic example to understand How and where blockchain can be used in the areas of Governance.

A lot of times we do interact with the Government Authorities for getting various things done in day to day life. Say w.r.t Hospitals, Land Registrations, Education, Electricity and Water utilities etc. Lot of approvals we need to get, Lot of verifications and registrations we need to do, Prove our ownership etc etc..

Imagine the same happening on the top of a blockchain. With its unique capabilities, Blockchain creates trust and accountability on the authorities who are acting as Govt representatives and also on citizens who are availing these services from Governments/Authorities.

In the era of Digital Governance, we want to trust and security as the preliminary requirements in whatever process/activity we deal with. Blockchain with its unique capabilities offers these with utmost transparency and reliability

In the use case from Beijing, the governance services like Land registration, Controlling the COVID spread, finding the parking lots services and many more has been bought on to the blockchain-based platform

Huawei has set up a blockchain-based platform for the Beijing government to better track and manage its citizens’ data which enables multiple authorities/agencies to access the same in providing the governance services.    

Happy Reading…

Chinese tech conglomerate Huawei has set up a blockchain-based platform for the Beijing government to better track and manage its citizens’ data in everything from medical records and property registration to real-time vehicle parking status.

Huawei’s cloud services branch has enabled the project with blockchain technology such as smart contract and distributed ledgers, according to a report by state media People’s Daily on Monday.

The Beijing government project is part of China’s “New Infrastructure Initiative” to transform digital governance with blockchain so data can be immutable and shared among different government agencies. 

The Beijing government project aims to leverage the blockchain platform to make data shareable among more than 50 agencies within the municipality.

The new platform will help the government monitor coronavirus cases, streamline the process for people to register their real estate and find parking spots for local citizens in real time. 

Huawei, as the poster child of Chinese tech, has met with heavy scrutiny and political resistance from the western world.

The U.S. has barred Huawei’s major semiconductor suppliers from selling chips to the company, while both the U.S. and U.K. have banned local telecom companies from using Huawei’s 5G devices and technology for national security reasons. 

The move also echoes the Chinese central government’s shift toward boosting domestic demand for emerging technology and services as techno-nationalism rises and the global market weakens

Huawei's Blockchain Platform to Manage People’s Data - Prem mike 2

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