Renault tests Blockchain for Cars Compliance

Renault tests Blockchain for Cars Compliance - renault logo design history 117 years 25

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Renault tests blockchain to ensure cars comply with regulations

Yup, we do have one more use case  from Automobile Industry w.r.t Blockchain 

Here in the use case, Renault was implementing a blockchain solution to track the compliance of cars, w.r.t Emission norms, regulatory and environmental compliance on the DLT platform called XCEED

The Mandatory compliance came into the picture as the new European ‘market surveillance’ rules that came into force on September 1st, which were largely in response to the VW Dieselgate scandal where the onboard computers on VW diesel cars would switch to a cleaner mode when it detected a test was being run (That’s where the trust issues comes).

The VW violation came up in 2019 where Volkswagen installed emissions software on more than a half-million diesel cars in the U.S.—and roughly 10.5 million more worldwide—that allows them to sense the unique parameters of an emissions drive cycle set by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Now with this XCEED blockchain, all the Engine information, Compliance with checkups, Emissions will be tracked on the blockchain technology thus avoiding any false claims by manufacturers.

Earlier we have seen use cases where Cars Spare parts were bought on to the top of the blockchain to certify the Parts Provenance. Also,we have seen use cases where Floor financing to automobiles part suppliers was made on the blockchain by retaining the part requirements and audit of unique spare parts/Component requirements.

We do have MOBI where a vehicle will be assigned ID and tracks the life cycle of vehicle

Happy Reading…

Yesterday Renault announced it completed testing a blockchain project, XCEED, that shares compliance information between parts suppliers and car manufacturers.

We think of compliance with banking, but what’s the big deal with the auto sector?

This partly relates to new European ‘market surveillance’ rules that came into force on September 1st, which were largely in response to the VW Dieselgate scandal. That’s where the onboard computers on VW diesel cars would switch to a cleaner mode when it detected a test was being run.

The rest of the time, the diesel cars significantly exceeded permitted nitrogen-oxide emissions by as much as 40 times.

The XCEED project was launched in 2019 and is a collaboration between several auto industry partners, including Continental, Faurecia, Plastic Omnium and Saint-Gobain. Each party retains control over its data and confidentiality but can share the information on a need to know basis.

The system enables the parties to track and certify compliance of both components and subcomponents, and data is shared in real-time. So far, it has accumulated more than a million documents and reached a speed of 500 transactions per second.

The solution uses Hyperledger Fabric and was built with help from IBM.

Apart from XCEED, Renault was a founding member of the MOBI alliance, which launched more than two years ago. Alongside Ford, it was also co-leader of the MOBI Vehicle Identity (VID) standard working group. Assigning a VID to a car enables numerous use cases, from tracking a car’s lifecycle to electric charging and mobility solutions involving autonomous cars.

Renault tests Blockchain for Cars Compliance - Prem mike 2

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