Tech Startup Used AI to Predict Coronavirus Outbreak Even Before WHO

Tech Startup Used AI to Predict Coronavirus Outbreak Even Before WHO - corona 2

Quick Intake

Hello all, In this article, let’s see how Artificial intelligence and Machine learning concepts have been used to predict the outbreak of coronavirus. 

Bluedot – A Canadian tech startup protects people around the world from infectious diseases with human and artificial intelligence, has analyzed large amounts of data around animal and plant disease networks, news reports in websites, government documents, and other online sources.

Moreover, “global airline ticketing” data was also used to predict when the virus would spread to Seoul, Bangkok, Taipei, and Tokyo.

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Researchers across three different continents have already started to develop a vaccine for the epidemic Coronavirus due to which the death toll now stands at over 100 in China. The total number of confirmed coronavirus cases in China stands at over 5000.

Given the gravity of the situation, computer programmers in a tech firm, BlueDot, are making use of AI and machine learning to detect the warning signs of Coronavirus.

Although the Chinese authorities confirmed the identity of the Coronavirus earlier this month, it was a Canadian firm, named BlueDot that first specialized in surveillance of the infectious disease.

BlueDot predicted the outbreak of Coronavirus during the end of December 2019 with the help of an AI-powered system.

This AI system did thorough research and processed large amounts of data around animal and plant disease networks, news reports in websites, government documents, and other online sources.

This, in turn, helped warn the clients and people against traveling to zones like Wuhan in China where the virus was widespread.

Moreover, “global airline ticketing” data was also used to predict when the virus would spread to Seoul, Bangkok, Taipei, and Tokyo.

Different Machine Learning and natural language processing techniques were used to develop models that can process large amounts of data in real-time. Results that are produced by the AI system are then analyzed by trained epidemiologists who pick out the conclusions and attach different cases with a certain risk factor.

Kamran Khan, founder, and CEO, BlueDot, stated, “We know that governments may not be relied upon to provide information in a timely fashion. We can pick up news of possible outbreaks, little murmurs or forums or blogs of indications of some kind of unusual events going on”.

Tech Startup Used AI to Predict Coronavirus Outbreak Even Before WHO - Prem mike 2

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